Thank you so much to the 21 volunteers that came out to aid others in our Austin community for our April giveaway. Together, we gave out items to over 180 people!!! We decided to spruce up this giveaway with some extra sweets and eggs with goodies in the line.Thanks to so many that brought in bags of clothes, including many of our regular volunteers, members from the Atheist Community of Austin, and 3 bags from Airman's Attic on Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.
A huge shout-out to those that donated items, time and/or direct monetary to make this giveaway happen, including one special person who will keep us stocked on shaving cream for months to come <3 and another who hooked us up with toilet paper galore. As the weather turns warmer in the upcoming months, we'll be turning our focus towards providing cool water, sunscreen and hats to keep cool. T-shirts, shorts and towels will definitely help as the brutal summer starts rolling in. The next giveaway will be the first Sunday in May, the 6th, and you can expect a little something extra for the mothers heading through. An event will be posted after the inventory is done by April 3rd, but you can always contribute directly via (The B&W pictures are courtesy of a volunteer with dedicated camera skills; let us know if you'd like us to tag you for your work!!!)
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.