With clean hands, gloves and masks (provided by an amazing public servant😉), we were able to help about 150+ individuals. The '+' is added because once the 144 pre-packed bags were gone, we walked around distributing surplus food items. Please watch the video for additional info and how to get involved.
We are going to keep it this way for next month as well. If you'd like to volunteer (for either the pre-pack event or the distribution side), please send an email to Info@AustinAHH.org. Beyond that, you can help out efforts by contributing to: AustinAHH.org/donate (PayPal) AustinAHH.org/Amazon We're focusing on food items, but that carries much more cost, so we appreciate all of your support in this endeavor. Keep an eye out for more news. Love to I Support the Girls - Austin, Atheist Community of Austin, Freethinkers Association of Central Texas, and Austin Humanists at Work for all that you do. Austin Atheists Helping the Homeless www.AustinAHH.org / www.Atheists.Help Phone/Text: 22-HelpOut-2 (2243576882)
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.