Over 180 people made their ways through our line today, worked by 16 volunteers. Thanks to everyone who had a part to play for our Winter Blanket Drive. With donations made, we were able to distribute hats, gloves, blankets, socks and heavy cotton T-shirts to so many today. We even still have some hats, blankets and socks let over!!! Though today was a fairly warm one, in the coming days, the low temperature will drop to the 50s then the 40s and below. The supplies and aid we were able to give out can make all the difference during this cold season. With that in mind, we here at Austin AHH want to give another kudos to the community around us for coming together to make this event work out so well.
A huge shout-out to Beth Presswood for knitting hats for her 500 Hat Project this year and distributing many of them in our giveaway. Another shout-out to Support the Girls - Austin for providing bras and feminine hygiene products for the giveaway!! We went through several bags of clothes on our clothing isle prior to beginning our primary giveaway; thanks so much to several folks who dropped off clothes (and blankets) at the Atheist Community of Austin library and to the Airman's Attic on Lackland Air Force Base, Texas for clothing donations. In addition to our winter-minded items of blankets, shirts, gloves and hats, another new addition was steamy hot chocolate (thanks to 2 particular folks for that). The outpouring of support for this winter season has been an amazing thing to see. We're going to keep it going for January, with emphasis on gloves, coats and jackets. The next giveaway comes on the 1st Sunday of the month; for January, that's the 7th @ 9:15am.
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.