Thanks to everyone that helped to make this giveaway happen. There were a lot of wheels in motion, lots of coordination, but it was an awesome time. 35 volunteers put their heads together to serve about 235 in our ATX community. 10 gallons of coffee and hot chocolate were demolished by the end, a sign that we are definitely in the throes of our Texas winter. Much love to Beth and Stephanie for the hand-made hats; we are completely out of them now!!
A wonderful shout-out to I Support the Girls - Austin, the ATX branch of I Support the Girls, for coming out to hand out bras and feminine hygiene products directly to those impacted harshest in our community. We love you, as always!! Thanks to Project Shoehorn for aiding, in part, to collect shoes and socks that were distributed on the main tables. Shoes are a very under-served item, both casual and professional, so this is really a welcome thing!! A wonderful hat-tip to Foundation Beyond Belief's program Beyond Belief Network for providing a grant which allowed us to purchased hundreds of pairs of gloves and well over a hundred pairs of thermal socks. The socks were gone in short order, but we still have about 60 gloves that we'll incorporate in January's giveaway. Thank you to Austin Humanist Community for packing up supplies and dropping them off at the ACA library for the giveaway. We set some of the bags up right at the front of the line for recipients who wanted to move along quickly on through. Speaking of the ACA, much love and hugs to the Atheist Community of Austin for the large, dark blankets you see in the pictures. These are long and insulating, enough to completely wrap up in, while being thin enough to pack away and weigh just under 4 pounds. Thanks to Freethinkers Association of Central Texas for providing 250 razors for this giveaway. We fly through them very quickly, so they are always appreciated!! Lastly, we can not say thank you enough to the dozens of people who sent in donations through our PayPal and Amazon wishlist. This month was the highest we have EVER seen in donations. Counting up everything from all individuals, groups, and organizations, we have received over $2,500 in the month of November. ❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚 As we grow larger as a group, providing for a growing community, and distribute highly-needed, but more costly items, the support we receive from the community becomes all the more precious. Thank you to the tireless volunteers that make this possible. 💜💜💜 The next giveaway will be January 6th with setup beginning at 9:15am. This time, along with more blankets, gloves and thermal socks, the larger target item will be thermal underwear. We received repeated questions about it during this last giveaway, so it's time to make it happen!!!💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.