Much love to the 27 volunteers that came out yesterday on a *very* hot and humid day. About 172 folks were helped at this event that lets you know that summer is on the way. Though the pictures might not show it well, both volunteers and recipients were dripping with sweat. The occasional wind was a welcome addition, but did little to stem the flow. We had cold water and mango juice on offer to help in this arena. Despite the heat, it did not stop many coffee drinkers from partaking, annihilating 5 gallons of it. Thank you to everyone that sent in donations for this past month!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
We received an absolutely HUGE amount of clothes from all over the place. About 8 bags of different sizes were picked up from the Atheist Community of Austin library, along with a few pairs of shoes. Clothes from Lackland Air Force Base's Airmen's Attic were included, let alone from the many closets of volunteers!!! We also had several volunteers bring in a huge amount of shoes; so much that we ran out of table space to place them all. A lovely shout-out to the ever wonderful I Support the Girls - Austin, the ATX side of I Support the Girls, for coming out to the giveaway to hand out feminine hygiene products to our friends and neighbors in need. Thank you to the Freethinkers Association of Central Texas for hooking us up with some water, blankets, and tissue for this giveaway 💓💖💗 We have recently been attending meetings with the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) here in Austin, learning much more about the challenges, funding, and organizations that are involved with serving many of the folks we see every month. As we get a better idea of how the services we provide fit in our local Continuum of Care, we'll be looking to refine how/what we do to better serve our community. The next giveaway will be July 7, 2019 (the 1st Sunday, as always). Once the inventory is complete, we'll post the next event and wish list.
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.