A rainy start to the day, but we were left with a cool and crisp morning to have our October giveaway. Over 160 people went through our line to receive toiletries, juice, socks, and other items, including 2 people with motor disabilities whom we packed bags for. Thanks so much to the 14 volunteers that showed up, despite the rain, to help our friends and neighbors, including folks from the Atheist Community of Austin. Thanks to donations from Support the Girls - Austin from last month, we were well-stocked on feminine hygiene products for this giveaway.
We had a donation of 36 reading glasses from our Amazon wish list that fared very well. For next month, will probably get a few more of these in at least +2.75 strength, as some people indicated that their eyesight he needed more help than +2. The other special item, batteries, did very well too. Our clothing aisle was a hit, as always. A big shout out to the person who donated professional women's blouses. Those went quite quickly from the table, let alone the other pants, shirts, and jeans that were there. The next giveaway will be on November 12th and, if you're on Facebook, you can find out more info, and say that you're "going ", at the event here, https://www.facebook.com/events/123336111680215 We'll be getting our inventory together and updating our website, AustinAHH.org/next, and Amazon wishlist very soon with what items are needed for next month, so you'll see a blog post when that's ready. Lastly, will be getting some information soon about how we as a community can aid people in Puerto Rico with toiletries and other items via the Ateístas de Puerto Rico, so keep a lookout for that.
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Note: Giveaway recaps included on this blog will extend back to late 2016. For earlier giveaways, please visit our Facebook page, where you can scroll down to your heart's content.